To have your pet assessed at London Vet Specialists, your primary care veterinarian will need to contact us on your behalf to make a referral. Due to the codes governing our profession, we can only see patients that are directly referred to us by their primary care vet, who can discuss this option with you if specialist care is required.
Before your appointment, your vet should provide us with your pet's full medical history so that our clinician is familiar with their condition and any previous treatments prior to your appointment. During your consultation, our clinician will explore your pet’s medical history further, confirming relevant details and acquiring further updates. For this reason, it is preferable that the pet owner bring their pet to us themselves, rather than a third party, so that we can ensure that we have the most accurate information and that treatment options can be discussed with the responsible decision maker.
After the consultation, your pet may be discharged with recommended treatment or management, but further diagnostic tests or procedures, such as blood tests, advanced imaging or surgery may be necessary. While we will try to perform these on the same day as the consultation, this may not always be possible. Your pet may need to return at a later, mutually convenient date for further investigations or treatments.
If your pet is admitted to the hospital on the day of the appointment, we will need your signed consent for any procedures to be carried out. It's crucial that you fully understand your pet's condition and the implications of any proposed investigations or treatments, which will be discussed with you during your consultation. We hope to be able to answer any questions that you have in a way that makes sense to you, however if you have any doubts, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification.
You will be kept informed of diagnostic results and your pet’s progress throughout their time with us and will receive instructions on their required care at discharge. Your primary care vet will also be provided with an update on any diagnosis reached or treatment provided to ensure that we can continue to work together for your pet’s ongoing care.