A Veterinary Specialist is an individual who has undergone advanced training to obtain a Diploma in their specialised field.

specialistsThey must also meet strict criteria, including clinical work and research involvement, as well as training other veterinary professionals.

Attaining and maintaining Specialist vet status is a challenging feat, as it is the highest level of recognition for clinical expertise.

Our Specialist vets are highly esteemed both nationally and internationally, having authored scientific papers, published in textbooks, and regularly speaking at local, national, and international conferences.

In addition to providing ongoing education to fellow professionals, our vets attend scientific meetings in the UK, Europe, and the USA to stay up-to-date in their specific areas of expertise.

These gatherings offer opportunities to learn new methods and exchange ideas with other global experts.

London Vet Specialists

70 Chancellor's Rd, Hammersmith, London, W6 9RS

Tel: 020 7433 0155

Vet Professionals Pet Owners